Library closed on Friday, March 28th.

The library will be closed on Friday, March 28th for a staff professional development day. We will reopen on Saturday, March 29th at 9:30am. 

Notary Appointment

Complete the request form below and a Notary will get back to you within one to two business days to schedule the appointment. If you need helping filling out the online form, call the Community Services department at (203) 630-4757.

What do you need to bring to your appointment? 

Bring TWO (2) forms of current identification with a signature. The signature in each ID must match.

  • The primary ID must be issued by a state or federal government, and it must include a photograph and signature.
    Examples: current driver’s license, non-driver photo ID, passport
  • The secondary ID must include a signature.
    Examples: current SIGNED credit card, debit card, fishing permit, or pilot’s license

NOTE: Social security cards and birth certificates are NOT acceptable IDs.


  • All signers must be present.
  • Be sure each document is complete and ready for signature, but do NOT sign the document ahead of time. The signer MUST sign the document IN FRONT OF THE NOTARY.
  • The document must be in English, and the Notary must be able to communicate with the signer in English.
  • Notaries can refuse service at their discretion.
  • Please keep in mind that the notary public cannot give legal advice. If you need legal advice, please consult an attorney.
  • If the document to be notarized requires witness, it is your responsibility to provide them. The library staff is not required to provide this service.


Notary Services Appointment form

Contact Information